Sunday 16 July 2017

Pupdate Time!

I know haven't posted in AGES, but Cookie's been a nightmare recently. He's super time-consuming and we have to watch him like a hawk. My birthday was just Tuesday and already I've had to get a new speaker, you know, one that wasn't ripped to pieces by Cookie. Sometimes, though, he's worth it. If we walk him and feed him and stroke him, hes lovely and sits curled up on your lap like a tiny, tired angel. *melts* He's so lovely!

Saturday 18 June 2016

We Now have a super cool dog bed, home-made sock toys and a BUNCH of new stuff from our local pet shop! Will be vlogging soon!


Tuesday 31 May 2016

So it is half term and I have been waiting forever to tell you that we have already been to see our dog!
 I couldn't find the time to tell you properly and in detail about it, but we saw him two weeks ago on a Sunday, the 22nd to be exact. he lives super far away, but he is also in Berkshire so he was the closest we could find. There was all of the success criteria; we got to see his mother, litter mates AND his grandmother, whose nose was going white. All of the dogs were gorgeous and I loved all of the puppies walking on my lap when I sat on the ground, we even got to hold the girl in the litter, Za Za, Rowley and our puppy, who they have nicknamed prince, but we have decided to change his name to Cuchulain, an Irish war legend. I will give you some pictures, but I also did a tiny vlog. Before you get your hopes up, I want to tell you that upon arrival ,I got embarrassed and left the Ipad in the car, so the vlog I did make was right after we got back into the car, so when we were just leaving I am, however too tired right now and mum will be writing her fourth novel (The Trial Separation, which is nearly finished and will be available by August), so I can only  promise to have them up here by Sunday. Luckily mum did remember to take her phone in, but took no (to the best of my knowledge) videos, but only pictures.



Thursday 12 May 2016

so we will be going round to see our dog in the half term!

also, I just saw a pet treat cake make on blue peter!


Friday 6 May 2016

Omg! Just walked into the Swan and found out that they allow dogs inside

We are sitting outside by the river and I almost feel embarrassed that we don't yet have a dog. Srsly the number of puppies out here is overwhelming

PS If you live near Reading, England you should come down here. You just come right down the small alley from the Pangbourne train station, right next to my house!

Bye guys!

Thursday 5 May 2016


We literally just called our breeder to see how the puppies were doing.


So, into details, there are 4 boys and 1 girl, and since we told her we didn't mind, I think we will get a boy because apparently everyone wants a girl. I am a little worried, though,as this was 2 days premature, but I think that they are all healthy. *sigh* I have so much to tell you, so one last thing: we are third or fourth on the list for a boy!

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Hey there!

Starting to think about the types of food we will feed our dog (mum says defo not tinned), puppy training and toys!

We need to have a talk to our local vets, good thing our next door neighbour is one!